site de la commission nationale de l'athlétisme masters
Infos sur les traitements médicaux
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15 Février 2008 - Jean THOMAS
Infos sur les traitements médicaux

- Document transmis par la commission médicale de la FFA à l'attention des vétérans : ICI

- Chpts du monde à Clermont : Procédure à suivre en cas de traitement contenant des substances interdites :

Don't forget: present TUE (Therapeutic Using Exemption) application

Once more a friendly hint from EVAA to all competitors for the 3rd World Masters Championships Indoor in Clermont-Ferrand (France): Don't forget: present TUE (Therapeutic Using Exemption) application.

In case of using pharmaceuticals please remember that you have to fill TUE application forms.

The "TUE Application" must be submitted at least 21 days (i.e. 25 th February for Clermont-Ferrand) before the first day of the international competition/championship in which the athlete wishes to compete using the prohibited substance.

Further information you can read on the homepage of WADA.

The "TUE Form", which you can download from our websiste be sent to:  

Karri Wichmann, Ritarikatu 7, FIN 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Fax: +358 – 9 – 6213379, e-mail:
who is appointed to handle exemption applications on behalf of WMA.

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Direct France Masters

Horaires prévisionnels au 11/04/2024
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le 30 mai 2024 22h00
